Free online course on circular economy and design
Design Forum Finland has launched a free online course, Circular Design for Business, in Finnish. The course provides a foundational understanding of circular economy-based design in approximately ten hours. Edea Design has contributed to the section covering circular economy oriented design and business.
Circular economy-based design offers solutions to address the global ecological crisis and environmental challenges. At the same time, it provides pioneering companies with tools for sustainable renewal and success.
“A product that fosters positive and lasting experiences has the potential to develop a lasting bond with its user. A committed user will want the product to last and will want to take good care of it. This way, user-centric design leads the way to sustainability”, explains Sami Pyörre, CEO of Edea Design.
The self-paced online course comprehensively covers various aspects of circular economy-based design. At the basic level, participants learn the principles of circular design and explore business case examples from Finland and around the world. At the applied level, they gain tools to integrate the foundational knowledge into their own work.
You can find the course here (in Finnish).