Innovations to improve our world
What successful innovations have in common is that they have been built around the core needs of their users. Innovations should always be developed for a specific ultimate purpose instead of as an extension to an existing operating model or technology. By listening to your customers carefully and observing them to gain entirely new kinds of insights, your company, too, can create something completely new and take strides in your field.
Focusing on the music instead of the record player
The history of music reproduction is an excellent example of a chain of innovations that has enriched our lives by making music available to almost everyone. The path of the technologies for listening to audio recordings began with the early record players known as phonographs and went from gramophones and shellac discs to vinyl records and players, cassette tapes, CDs, MP3 players and eventually modern streaming services.
Even though technology has been an essential enabler of music reproduction, our core need has been to listen to music that we enjoy. We do not listen to music just to buy albums or fancy new record players. At least for most of us, the technical devices developed for music reproduction are simply tools that fulfil our core need of listening to music. In addition to technology making it possible to play music, it has also both steered and restricted this important hobby in many cases. For example, some may not have had enough money to purchase an expensive player.
Today, music goes with us wherever we go. Streaming services on our mobile devices have made music available to almost everyone. We can purchase our favourite albums and songs with no more than a few clicks. This ease has lowered the threshold of listening to a wider range of music styles and artists instead of limiting ourselves to whatever is in our own record collections. The development of audio reproduction can also be seen as an excellent example of innovation that changed the world of music lovers for the better.
Take advantage of the design experience of ED Design
For the products or services sold by your company to have genuine business potential, they must be based on actual user needs. Instead of walking the path of strategic design on your own, why not take advantage of the experience of ED Design, a company that has won multiple international design awards.
Our DESIGN PUZZLE™ toolkit has been created for the purpose of identifying user-oriented innovation opportunities as well as developing products and services. We always begin our work by observing the users of the product or service in question and by holding in-depth interviews with them to identify their core needs. By analysing the findings and initiating development efforts based on the results, you too will be able to discover entirely new kinds of innovation opportunities. Ole yhteydessä , niin kerromme lisää!