Strategic design
Strategic design is a tool for innovation and growth. We’d love to take you on a journey to a more rewarding and sustainable future.
Strategic design for business & brand
Revolutions are started by those that dare let go of the current solution.
Within the framework set by you and the world around us, our strategic design expertise can help you create revolutionary solutions with business models to match. Always with the human in the center – always with your brand in focus.
Future roadmaps
Strategic design brings forth innovations based on profound understanding of the users’ goals. By merging user insight with latest knowledge of megatrends and trends, our strategic design solutions can help you envision products, product lines and roadmaps that pave your way into the future – and arm you with a competitive advantage.
Design Puzzle™
Are you struggling to come up with truly novel ideas? Wondering how to make sure that your idea will fly? Our strategic design solution provides the answer.
Design Puzzle™ is a user-centered and future-driven innovation toolkit that has helped organizations come up with novel innovations since 2005. Check it out – and maybe have a chat with our Design Puzzle™ GPT?
Your products, your brand
Your brand is how you are seen. It’s in the way you look; the way you communicate. It’s what makes your business. Your product experience is the ultimate manifestation of your brand. Our strategic design expertise brings your products and services together, building them into solid product lines and portfolios.
Making strategic design into reality
Strategies only make sense if they are made into reality. We believe that good strategic design builds upon the cornerstones of desirability for its clients, viability of its business model, and feasibility of its technological enablers. Together, they set the foundation upon which you can start product development, knowing there will be no costly surprises along the way.
Our industrial designers and service designers will walk with you, designing and developing your products and services all the way into production.
Total R&D
A great strategy deserves to be implemented. We offer a comprehensive R&D service that guides your product from initial concept to mass production.
► Check out our Total R&D offeringOver 50 years. Over 5000 projects.
Our passion is designing products that stand the test of time. Products that their users bond with. Products that they hold on to. It is what drove us five decades ago – it is what drives us still.
Check out some of our works below.